Ontruck, the digital road freight platform, today announces the acquisition of Briver, from Wtransnet, the leading freight and vehicle exchange in Iberia. With a particularly strong presence in Cataluña, digital freight broker Briver will help to consolidate Ontruck’s leadership across the Iberia region and bolster capacity during the end-of-year holiday rush (Black Friday, Christmas). Both brands […]
Web Summit 2019: 3 Take-Aways on the Future of Tech
While Web Summit has come and gone, many of the trends discussed in Lisbon every year are bellwethers for the years to come. While technologies like AI, 5G, Autonomous Vehicles and the Future of Work continued to be trending topics at the show, I noticed several larger trends that I believe speak to where the […]
Industry Insights: How Logistics is Changing
Amazon’s dominance in the e-commerce space is impressive, but the impact it has had on the logistics industry as a whole is even more powerful. With the FreightWaves conference taking place this last week in Chicago, the topic of innovation in the logistics industry is certainly top of mind. […]
Heetch adds $4M to its Series B round
Ride-hailing service Heetch has added a new investor to its $38 million Series B round. AfricInvest is investing another $4 million in the startup — in total, Heetch has raised a $42 million Series B round. Previous investors in the Series B round include Cathay Innovation, Idinvest and Total Ventures (now called Total Carbon Neutrality Ventures, for real). […]
Cathay Innovation a investi dans Pinduoduo, le nouveau poids lourd du e-commerce chinois
Le fonds Cathay Innovation est spécialisé dans l’accompagnement des entreprises du digital. Il connecte les startups françaises et chinoises. D’ailleurs, Cathay Innovation a investi dans la licorne chinoise Pinduoduo, le nouveau poids lourd du e-commerce en Chine. Entretien avec Denis Barrier, co-fondateur de Cathay Innovation. – Tech & Co, du mardi 12 novembre 2019, présenté […]
AfricInvest & Cathay tie in new LP
The five biggest trends in Fintech for 2020
The passing of the years is marked by changes in season. In fintech, seasons are marked by conferences, and the figurative New Years is Money20/20, which takes place in Las Vegas every October. On the heels of last week’s conference, I want to share five reflections regarding some of the emergent trends shaping fintech today. […]
L’Oréal commits to Cathay PE’s second innovation fund
Cathay Innovation expands presence in europe as it seeks second fund
L’Oreal Invests In Cathay Innovation Fund To Develop Tech Startups in China
Announced on wednesday investment in global venture capital fund cathay innovation to develop beauty tech startups in china. Strengthens connection to beauty tech startup ecosystem, particularly in china, the group’s second largest market and pioneer in digital innovation. Participation done through company’s capital fund bold business opportunities for l’oreal development launched in dec 2018. […]