Intérim : Iziwork lève 12 millions d’euros pour se déployer

Iziwork, leader digital de l’intérim en France, vient de boucler un nouveau tour de table. La start-up, qui numérise l’intérim, a levé douze millions d’euros. Entretien avec Mehdi Tahri, co-fondateur d’Iziwork. – Tech & Co, du mardi 1er octobre 2019, présenté par Sébastien Couasnon, sur BFM Business.Tech & Co est le rendez-vous de l’actu du […]

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Fast growing Bay Area data startup wrangles $100 million in funding

Data-wrangling cloud service Trifacta raised a $100 million funding round, as its user growth soared three times higher and its revenue doubled in the past year, the company said Thursday. The San Francisco-based company, which uses machine learning to help companies save money by using knowledge workers and data analysts to clean and structure data […]

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Chime Reaches 5M Accounts As Rival Acorns Reaches 6.2M

In the Great Neo-Bank Account Accretion War, there are new performance numbers to chew on. Today CNBC reported that Chime, a neo-bank we’ve covered before, picked up one million new accounts since June. Chime now has five million accounts, and its CEO Chris Britt indicated to the publication that when his company was smaller it took four years to collect one […]

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