Category: In the Press
Venture Capital Has A Lot To Learn From Fintech: Data-Driven, New Products, And More Access To A Broader Set Of Companies
Investment in the financial technology space has skyrocketed globally over the last decade. Fintech has transformed nearly every aspect of the traditional bank. It has also gone mainstream: 75% of people have used a money transfer or fintech product. Fintech innovation has also driven broad-based access to financial products and services to the unbanked and underbanked. […]
‘Post-pandemic, SEA will see a sustainable leapfrog into the digital age’: Cathay Innovation report
How will a post-COVID-19 look like? There is no a clear answer to this question. But one thing is certain: this pandemic will force some behavioral changes — not just on the people but also industries. And those who effect the changes as soon as possible will come out successful. […]
The coronavirus might have changed China’s venture capital scene for good
According to a report from Beijing-based startup tracker IT Juzi, VC investment in the country’s tech sector shrank 30% in the first quarter of the year, with VCs funneling $16.8 billion into tech enterprises during the first three months, down from $24 billion in the same period last year. The total number of deals contracted too, […]
Forget Unicorns. Startups Should Be Camels
In Silicon Valley, the entire ecosystem is aligned around one thing: the cultivation of unicorns — startups valued over $1 billion. Unicorns were once a rare breed, but in recent years, the stable of billion-dollar thoroughbreds has grown to about 350 unicorns around the world. […]
How Entrepreneurs Succeed Outside Silicon Valley
Alex Lazarow, venture capitalist at Cathay Innovation, says that start-ups in cities around the United States and the world are creating their own rules for success. While Silicon Valley companies have sparked key innovations and generated huge wealth over the past few decades, not everyone should use them as a model going forward. In fact, […]
How Does Your Financial Future Change From These Unexpected Good Things That Will Come Out Of This Crisis?
One day this will all be behind us. And when it is, we may just discover some good has come of it. “Anytime you go through a once in a 100-year event you will learn things and be better for it,” says David S. Richmond, Chairman & Co-Owner, Richmond Brothers, Inc. Jackson, Michigan. […]
How bad will SaaS churn get in the downturn
Hello and welcome back to our regular morning look at private companies, public markets and the gray space in between. This morning we’re talking about churn — the bane of software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies big and small — in the new world we find ourselves in. […]
With Coronavirus, there’s more to do than wash your hands
Firms Move to Hold Virtual Meetings, Limit Travel Amid Coronavirus