In the Press

What Type Of Innovator Do You Want To Be?

Today it feels like like every day we learn about an incredible new technology, product or, service that was supposed to be a futuristic concept, but now is, “coming soon.” Nearly 20 years ago, just before the internet bubble in 2000-2001, new online concepts were being introduced at a dizzying pace, and today, during what some have dubbed, “The On-Demand Revolution,” the speed of innovation is leaps and bounds past what we saw at that time. This is partially due in part to significant jumps in computing power, internet speeds and how much investment capital is being thrown around. We also have younger generations that grew up with the internet and mobile phones and have the capability and tools necessary to research, develop and bring ideas to fruition at much earlier points than in the past. With some of the barriers to knowledge, experience and access to capital peeled away, more people feel empowered to innovate now perhaps than ever. So how does one keep up?